3 Vs associated with big data

As Antonio Neri, CEO of HPE, emphasized in his keynote address at Discover 2021, companies need to go beyond the 3 Vs associated with big data—volume of data, the velocity of data ingress, and variety of data types—to focus on the fourth V for which all data should exist: "value." Many companies are "data-rich, but insight poor." Without the proper mining tools, a gold mine is just a lot of dirt. Companies need a faster time to extracting value from data and using it to gain insights or fuel AI systems.

In the past, when companies needed "faster," they turned to the cloud. But many have found that spinning up workloads in the cloud is one thing; moving data there is far more complicated and costly. So the data stays largely where it is, whether on-prem in the data centre or even at the edge in IoT systems. And if a cloud-like platform is what companies need to manage, analyze, and extract value from that data more quickly? HPE has the solution: bring the cloud to the data.