HPE Edgeline Servers - Edge-to-Cloud Computing

HPE Edgeline Servers: Empowering Edge-to-Cloud Computing


Edge-to-cloud computing is a paradigm that leverages the power of both edge devices and cloud services to deliver optimal performance, scalability, security, and flexibility for various applications and use cases. Edge devices are the endpoints that generate, process, and consume data, such as sensors, cameras, smartphones, and IoT devices. Cloud services are the centralized platforms that provide storage, computing, analytics, and intelligence for the data, such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Edge-to-cloud computing enables the data to be processed and analyzed at the most appropriate location, depending on the latency, bandwidth, cost, and privacy requirements.

HPE Edgeline Servers for Various Industries

HPE Edgeline servers are the industry-leading solutions that enable edge-to-cloud computing for various industries, such as telecommunications, retail, manufacturing, and transportation. HPE Edgeline servers are rugged, compact, and modular devices that can be deployed at the edge, near the data sources, and connected to the cloud, via wired or wireless networks. HPE Edgeline servers provide the following benefits for edge-to-cloud computing:

  • Performance: HPE Edgeline servers deliver high performance at the edge, with powerful processors, memory, storage, and accelerators, such as GPUs, FPGAs, and ASICs.
  • Scalability: HPE Edgeline servers are scalable at the edge, with modular and flexible designs, allowing the addition or removal of components as per demand.
  • Security: HPE Edgeline servers provide robust hardware and software features for security, supporting encryption, authentication, authorization, and auditing at the edge.
  • Flexibility: HPE Edgeline servers offer flexibility at the edge, supporting multiple operating systems, platforms, and standards.

Use Cases and Examples

HPE Edgeline servers enable edge-to-cloud computing for various industries, providing the following use cases and examples:

  • Telecommunications: HPE Edgeline servers enable telecom operators to deploy edge computing at the network edge, providing low-latency and high-bandwidth services.
  • Retail: HPE Edgeline servers enable retailers to deploy edge computing at the store edge, providing personalized and immersive experiences.
  • Manufacturing: HPE Edgeline servers enable manufacturers to deploy edge computing at the factory edge, providing real-time and predictive insights.
  • Transportation: HPE Edgeline servers enable transportation providers to deploy edge computing at the vehicle edge, providing enhanced and autonomous features.


HPE Edgeline servers are the ideal solutions for edge-to-cloud computing, providing the performance, scalability, security, and flexibility that various industries need to solve their challenges and achieve their goals. HPE Edgeline servers are the future of edge-to-cloud computing.